Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Attract Customers To A Grand Opening

Attract Customers to a Grand Opening

Months of hard work and planning are behind you. Now, it's finally time to open your new business. A grand opening is a great way to generate publicity and attract customers so you need to advertise and not waste the opportunity. To help ensure you attract attention and potential customers, you need to start planning weeks ahead of time and get the word out.


1. Give away an inexpensive item to all visitors. Balloons or items with your business logo should be ordered in advance.

2. Ask a local high school band to participate in the opening ceremonies. In exchange, offer a contribution to their music booster organization. Not only will the band's performance attract attention, but the families of all the band members will be aware of the grand opening as well.

3. Arrange to have a local celebrity or dignitary of some sort make an appearance to hand out photos.

4. Design a door prize contest and have people who visit the during the celebration register for a fun prize. Hold the drawing at the conclusion of the event and arrange for the local newspaper to be on hand to take pictures for some additional publicity. The registrations will also help you start to build your in-house customer list to use for future promotions.

5. Send a press release to all the local newspapers describing your business and giving the details for the festivities.

6. Look for networking opportunities within your community and take advantage of them. You can generate free word of mouth publicity just by making brief announcements at church and school activities. Don't forget to attend meetings or functions for fraternal organizations or your local Chamber of Commerce.

7. Install a "Grand Opening" banner and display it during the celebration. It should be at least two-color and large enough to see from a distance.

Tags: your business, attract attention, Attract Customers, Attract Customers Grand, Customers Grand, Customers Grand Opening