Friday, February 20, 2015

Advertise Your Business Cheaply

You Can Advertise Inexpensively.

In the business world, the income must be greater than the outgo. The price of advertising can be astronomical but there are some ways to advertise inexpensively. Here’s how.


1. Get a website for your business. If you don’t know design one, purchase the domain name and leave it saying it is under construction.

2. Design your website, or have it designed for you, and direct potential customers to your website. List services you offer on your website.

3. Attend networking events and pass out business cards to people you meet during networking. Make sure the cards look professional. Business cards do not have to be expensive in order to look professional or be efficient. Some companies offer free business cards, only charging you for the shipping and handling. Carry business cards everywhere you go. If you hear someone talking about something they need that your business could provide, introduce yourself and offer him a card.

4. Visit sites such as Vista Print and take advantage of free offers. You may to pay for the shipping and if you want to upload your logo.

5. Have your companies name and/or logo printed on a t-shirt and wear it to parades, shopping, sporting events and anywhere that it is appropriate. The whole purpose of advertising is getting your name out there and by wearing a t-shirt with your company's name and logo you are doing just that.

6. Make calendars and give them to customers. Calendars can really help get your name out there and are something most people use and look at often.

Tags: business cards, your website, look professional, name logo, name there