Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Nursery School Projects For 3yearolds

Even playing games can teach skills such as communication and reasoning to 3-year-olds.

Learning is a lifelong process. Nursery school is not just a form of daycare for children too young to attend kindergarten, it's an opportunity for the students to get a head start on their education. Nursery school activities can include both entertainment and education with the introduction of early learning skills. Making learning fun at an early age can help to set a positive attitude towards learning.


Inspire the artistic side of children in their developmental years in nursery school. Three-year-olds can do basic artistic projects such as pasting together art objects. They can also learn draw using crayons and paints. Introduce concepts to 3-year-olds such as seasonal holidays by having them make crafts designed specifically for those holidays. They can then give their creations to parents and other family members as gifts.


It's never too early to teach the basics of physical fitness to a child. Get the 3-year-olds outside and introduce them to sports and other physical activities to promote good health. Games, such as "Duck, Duck, Goose" in which they chase each, introduce them to organized sporting activities and the concept of rules.

Take the 3-year-olds on a nature walk around the preschool, introducing them to plants, birds and other animals around the school.


Music provides many different forms of entertainment for nursery school students. Have them sing along to CDs that you play in class and introduce them to basic instruments such as shakers to help keep the beat with the music. Three-year-olds can also express themselves in nursery school by dancing to music.


Introduce the 3-year-olds to the concept of chores by assigning them jobs in the classroom. Some examples of jobs in your nursery school could be holding the door open for other students, helping to hand out snacks during the day and cleaning up after lunch. Rotate the chores between the students on a daily basis so they are exposed to different jobs in the nursery school classroom.

Tags: nursery school, introduce them, Nursery school