Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Develop A Capability Statement

Capability Statement

A capability statement's primary purpose is to secure financing, work contracts and grant funding. The statements' secondary use is for marketing, as the information transfers well to brochures, websites and other promotional literature. The capability statement should create a sense of trust and show that your business is capable. It tells a person why he or she should do business with you. This is not an area to be shy. Let future customers know what you are capable of by listing awards, certifications and completed work.


1. Write an overview of the company. Include contact information, such as the location of the company, the website, the main information phone number and email. Tell the history of the company and a little about its surrounding community. Add the company mission statement and business objectives. State what makes your product or service the best, and why someone should do business with you.

2. Give the specifics about the company. Create an organizational chart . Name accreditation or certifications the company has acquired, such as occupational health and safety or quality assurances. List the company's major accomplishments and past performances. Include the facilities the company uses to complete the work. Name your major customers and past successes.

3. Focus on personnel. Highlight key players for the funding or work you are trying to obtain. Add resumes and pictures. Include industry experience and any relevant training or certifications these key players have. Add information about human resources and subcontractors working with the company. This will assure a future customer your company can get the job done. At the end of the document add a direct point of contact for planning purposes.

Tags: business with, Capability Statement, capability statement, should business, should business with