Friday, September 12, 2014

Organize Items At A Thrift Store

Large bookcases provide lots of storage space.

Rummaging at a thrift store can be frustrating if the layout of the items is disorganized. Customers can find items with much less hassle, thus increasing the likelihood of a sale, in an efficiently organized shop. Thrift stores sell a wide variety of goods, and sorting them out might take some time and require storage areas, such as shelves or bookcases.


1. Sort the items you want to display on the shop floor. Separate them into specific categories including women's shirts, men's shirts, shoes, books, jewelry, accessories, household goods or glassware, for example.

2. Create different zones in the thrift store to display the categories of products. Put up bookcases along a back wall to display books, CDs and records. Add a sign above the area that reads "Books and Music" to make it clear what is stored there.

3. Position a cabinet near the till or checkout area. This is for more valuable objects such as ceramics, jewelry and ornaments. Put the objects in the cabinet, and write "Do not touch" on the front, or "Please ask for assistance" to encourage people to steer away from handling these goods carelessly.

4. Erect several long shelves along a wall for "bric and brac" objects. Don't overfill the , this will discourage people from looking through the items. Put like items with others of the same kind, for instance, plates with plates, cutlery with cutlery and greeting cards with greeting cards.

5. Store delicate items under the front counter. Keep this area clear for watches, sunglasses and antiques -- anything that could break -- such as painted eggs or paper lanterns.

6. Hang bags, belts, hats, scarfs or umbrellas on hatstands or racks around the shop in dead space. Try to organize them into color or style to make it easier for customers to rummage. Alternatively, use these accessories to dress up manikins, then position them on tops of cupboards.

7. Place art work on the walls clearly labeled with "For Sale." This will show off the art around the room, while using areas that might be hard to organize such as the walls inside changing rooms or by next to staircases.

8. Keep organized in the back of the store as well. Use large containers, crates and furniture waiting to be sold to organize the items to be transferred into the shop. If you are short on space, bag up clothes into garbage in liners and label them with the contents, and what date to put onto the shelves.

Tags: greeting cards, items with, them into, thrift store