Friday, September 12, 2014

Retail Ideas For Healthcare Marketing

Retailers can execute campaigns to promote health and gain loyal customers.

Healthcare is a hot topic all across America. Retailers can play a part in improving the health of their customers. Stores that sell food and pharmacy products are key stakeholders. By developing a healthcare marketing program, you will demonstrate your interest in the health of your customers and your commitment to providing community service. This type of program can play a significant and positive role in your overall efforts to gain and sustain a loyal base of repeat customers.

Healthy Eating Campaigns

A "Healthy Eating Campaign" is a great way for grocery and food retailers to get involved in the need to reduce obesity in America and provide a service to customers. Develop and print a brochure with calorie conscious menus for each day of the week that are quick and easy to prepare. Include copywriting that details calorie savings in contrast to other foods. For example, include a recipe for "un-fried" chicken that uses breadcrumbs instead of flour, and baking instead of frying. Design a logo for the campaign. Make stickers and graphics that be placed on shelves and on food items and products featured on menus. Offer coupons and discounts during the campaign. Get vendors and suppliers to co-sponsor the campaign and share in costs or discounts. Advertise the campaign on TV, radio, online, via mobile, in-store, at checkout stations, and in newspaper circulars.

Health Screening Events

Contact local health care agencies and medical service providers to offer free health screenings for things like blood pressure and diabetes tests and checks. If your store offers a customer loyalty card, offer double points on purchases for customers who take a screening. If you have a pharmacy department, get staff members trained on the screenings and have them use the opportunity for them to meet, greet and build a one-on-one relationship with customers. Have healthy snacks handy for kids. Give prizes to customers who send a text message or use a social marketing site to get their friends to come in for a screening. Prepare and disseminate press releases to local newspapers, television and radio stations. Ask about opportunities for the media to serve as co-sponsors and have on-air personalities there to co-host the event. Be sure to promote the screenings on your website and put flyers inside shopping bags to build awareness at least one week before the event.

Care and Prevention--Colds and Flu

Develop a cold and flu promotion in advance of, or during, the season. Create a special promotion on items everyone will need to stock-up on, like tissue, aspirins, and cough and cold medications. Go further and offer discounts on 'comfort items' people like when they catch a cold or flu, such as coloring books for kids and magazines for adults. Create a theme and graphic for the promotion such as "Hot Deals on Cold Remedies." Design a special page on your website, newspaper circular, or flyers at the checkout stand. List the savings and discounts on items. Create a brief pamphlet on cold and flu prevention steps to put inside shopping bags and on the counter in your pharmacy department.

Tags: Healthy Eating, inside shopping, inside shopping bags, pharmacy department, shopping bags