Friday, September 26, 2014

Repair An Aquarium Glass Chip

Repair your fish tank glass after chips occur.

After spending days, sometimes weeks or months to create the perfect fish tank, a chip in the glass can be devastating. The fear is that if the chip spreads into a crack or eventually weakens the glass enough, the walls of the tank will break, spilling the water and all your fish with it. When you find a chip in the glass of your aquarium, treating the chip immediately helps prevent further damage. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove all fish from the fish tank using a fish net. Place them into a separate aquarium or a bowl with water from the original tank. Use a siphon to remove all water from the tank.

2. Remove any shards of glass from the chip using tweezers. Set the shards aside; you will need them again. Clean the glass where the chip is located. Use soap and water to remove any dirt or residue. Rinse the glass completely with clean water and allow the area to dry.

3. Prepare epoxy glue according to the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the epoxy to the chip using a putty knife. Spread the epoxy thin so that it is level with the surface of the glass but fully fills the chip. If you have any pieces of the chipped glass, insert them into glue. Level out the surface again if necessary.

4. Apply steady pressure to the surface of the epoxy for one minute using the blade of the putty knife.

5. Leave the epoxy to dry completely. Depending on the epoxy you use, this is generally 24 hours.

6. Set your tank back up as you normally would.

Tags: fish tank, chip glass, chip using, putty knife, them into