Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Market An Insurance Business

An insurance business just like any other small business needs to be marketed and advertised to attract new business. A small business owner has many options in which to market her insurance business. Since most small businesses, such as an insurance business, do not have large marketing budgets, money must be spent wisely to get the most out of marketing.


1. Purchase an ad in the local Yellow Pages. Many people still use their local phone book to find an insurance agent.

2. Put an ad in the local newspaper. The local newspaper is a good way to market an insurance business as well as some of the products that are offered.

3. Rent space on a billboard for a short time. Renting a billboard can be fairly expensive but can be a good way to advertise an insurance business for a short period of time to a large audience.

4. Pass out business cards at local events. Business cards are a great way to market and advertise a business because they can easily be given away.

5. Use the Internet and email to market the business's website. Run ads on insurance-related websites and create an email list of prospects in the area.

6. Purchase a commercial to air on a local television station. Sporting events are the most popular time to air a commercial, but also the most expensive. Choose the best time slot you can afford.

Tags: insurance business, local newspaper, market insurance, small business