Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Corporate Gift Bag Ideas

Presentation counts just as much as what is in the bag.

To successfully woo potential customers, partners or sponsors with a corporate gift bag, you need a great bag filled with great gifts. Try to choose things that are practical or creative. If your bag contains something useful, like a bottle of water, a deck of playing cards, a pen or a snack bar, people are more likely to use it and remember your company. Otherwise, try to add something that grabs their attention but is associated with the company.

The Bag

Since a nondescript embroidered tote is the standard corporate gift bag, you should try to steer away from nondescript, boring and forgettable. Choose bright colors, fabrics with an interesting texture or a distinctive font. As the piece de resistance, add a unique luggage tag with your corporate logo. If you can, have three types of tote available: one masculine styled tote, one feminine styled tote and one neutral tote. Allow attendees to choose what kind of tote they want. People like choice, and this way they will be more likely to continue using the tote for a long time to come and not just throw it away as soon as they get home. Instead of a tote, you could also choose a classy gift bag. People like receiving presents and the more you make it look like a special present, the better. Make sure you use quality ribbon and materials.

Local Items

If your event or conference is being held in another city, then make it a part of your gift bag. Tuck in a bag of locally grown coffee, a small statue of a local monument, a favor box containing a piece of fruit common to the area or a tourist guidebook.

Practical Items

Practical items, like mint tins filled with mints, insulated travel mugs, aluminum water bottles, business card holders and luggage tags, can take on a life of their own, as hopefully the recipient will use them again and again. Otherwise sensible gifts like food, drink and ink pens are appreciated in a corporate gift bag.

Creative Items

Grabbing people's attention through gift items is good, but tying them to your company's goals, products or current corporate theme is even better. For example, an energy company that puts a plant seedling in each of their company's corporate gift bags, a Moscow-based company that adds a set of Russian dolls and a financial services firm that gifts gold colored lucky cats.

Tags: corporate gift, company that, filled with, more likely, People like