Monday, November 24, 2014

What Is Google Shadow

Google Shadow teaches business owners run Internet ads on Google.

Google Shadow is a Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing system. This product provides instruction on use Google AdWords to advertise on the Internet. It includes an e-book for laying out the PPC advertising system created by PPC marketer Tim Houston. Buyers also get Google Shadow software to help automate the process of creating PPC campaigns. Armed with these tools, both product owners and affiliates selling other people's products can improve their ad performance and profit potential with PPC advertising.

Google AdWords

Google runs the AdWords PPC advertising service. Advertisers create campaigns with keywords and place advertising bids for those keywords. If you use this or any other Pay Per Click advertising system, you pay the amount of your bid each time a visitor clicks on your ad. Google Shadow is a system for learning select keywords and make bids for AdWords ad campaigns.


To be successful in PPC advertising, you must learn select keywords. This is one of the core areas included in Google Shadow. For example, if you are selling tents, the keyword "tent" would be your main keyword. Depending on your particular products, phrases like "pup tents" and "folding tents" could also provide traffic to your website if you bid on such keywords.


Google Shadow teaches you create entire Google AdWords advertising campaigns. A campaign is a combination of keywords and bids. If you choose the correct keywords and bid amounts, you can make money with AdWords. If you bid too much or select irrelevant keywords, you may lose money with PPC advertising.

E-book Module

Module One contains an e-book with Tim's system. He shows you how he developed his Shadow PPC marketing system and the different pieces of the puzzle that make it all work. According to Google Shadow, you also learn work the system with very little cash and time. The e-book also shows you identify both winning and losing campaigns.

Software Module

The second module is the PPC software. You use this "Google Shadow Software Tool" to help you select keywords and design Pay Per Click marketing campaigns. The software automates the process discussed in the first module. In essence, it does some of the work for you instead of having you manually select all of the keywords.


As of October 2011, the price for the Google Shadow system is $77 per month. You may cancel at any time to stop the payments. Google Shadow uses ClickBank to process its orders. ClickBank accepts credit and debit cards or payment by PayPal. A limited number of countries may pay by electronic check.


All businesses incur a certain amount of risk. While Google Shadow does purport to show people make money through PPC advertising and AdWords, there is always a risk of loss when buying advertising. For example, if your website has downtime when you are running ads, you may be spending ad money on visitors that never see your offers. Advertise a little at a time to prevent potentially serious downtime problems or related issues.

Tags: Google Shadow, select keywords, Google AdWords, advertising system, AdWords advertising, Click marketing, Google Shadow system