Thursday, November 6, 2014

Types Of Email Marketing Campaigns

Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing is one of the most popular methods to communicate directly with consumers. Email serves a variety of functions, including promoting sales, testing markets and educating customers about products and services. Email also can include branding with logos and/or tag lines, and it can offer direct response tools like reply links, audio and steaming videos embedded directly into the email message. Basic email marketing comes across much better with skill, which is learned over time.

Email Marketing Basics

The subject line should be exciting, making the reader want to open the mail and read the further text. Keep the subject line brief. Include details about the sender to comply with spamming laws. Develop the body of the email--the message--with a good introduction followed by well described paragraphs. Avoid hype and misleading readers. Use your email spelling and grammar check tools. Don't "shout" or use all capital letters.

Email Promotions

Email is great for short promotions announcing daily specials, upcoming sales and monthly discounts. Promotion email marketing is done as an email blast, not in a series of emails. The email should be short and to the point. It should include the headline, the promotions and any special instructions. If using HTML, make sure that the code is correctly formatted. Send a test email before sending to the complete email list to verify the email promotion is exactly as expected.

Email Newsletters

Email newsletters also known as ezines are the most common method of email marketing. The most successful email newsletters include two or three hot topics, aimed directly at the email list. The email newsletters also include a few special offers available only to those who are receiving the email newsletters. When using HTML in email newsletters make sure not to use any hidden text, which is a rule used by spam filters, and can cause the newsletters to be delivered in a junk folder.

Email Press Releases

Email press releases have become commonplace for both big business and individuals alike. Just like print press releases, email press releases must follow the standard press release template. If the email press release is not well written, then the receiving news bureau will trash the email and never read it. Always send email press releases in text format, when sending to official news organizations. When sending to individuals in a specific email list, you can use an HTML format.

Autoresponder Email Marketing Campaigns

Autoresponder email marketing can be the most rewarding when done the right way. Each email in the marketing campaign should arrive every three days. If the messages come any closer together, the ISP of the prospect may see it as spam or bulk email and divert it to the junk or spam folder. Personalize each email to the recipient. The email itself should include a compelling subject line, exciting, yet straightforward message in the body and signed by the sender. A specific postscript should close out each message.

Email Warnings

Email marketing is only as effective as the email service used for delivery of the email marketing campaign. The best copywriter in the world can create the most effective ad copy in the world, but if the email service is black listed, or known as a spamming service, then the email marketing campaign will never deliver the results expected or desires. Research the email service you are going to use, before signing an agreement.

Tags: email marketing, email list, email marketing campaign, Email Marketing Campaigns, email newsletters