Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Principles Of Corporate Communication

Corporate communications create a strong company reputation.

Companies that have strong corporate communication strategies, plans and programs are usually better recognized, well run and have a better capacity to react to various crisis and changes. Because the way in which an organization communicates with its employees, stakeholders, the media and clients affects its reputation, companies of all sizes should consider corporate communications an essential component of their business.


The role of corporate communications is to manage perceptions through a positive corporate brand, effective and timely dissemination of information and a transparent relationship with all stakeholders. Corporate communications have evolved to become increasingly professional in nature and are now considered the intersection between the science and art of perception.


Corporate communication groups can be responsible for all aspects related to corporate branding, media and public relations, marketing, internal and employee communications, promotional materials and events, crisis communications and change management.

Types of Corporate Communications

There are three main types of corporate communication. Management communication involves communications that take place between management and internal and external audiences. Marketing communications include advertising, promotions and sponsorship activities. Organizational communications involves plans and strategies behind the companies' main programs and initiatives. Put together, these three types of corporate communications help organizations develop a coherent approach to allow for their specialists to streamline all communications activities from a central strategic framework.


Because of the various types of corporate communications, the tools in use vary greatly. They include but are not limited to plans and strategies; press releases; speeches; events and promotions; print, television and online advertising; information products; emails; newsletters; magazines; newspapers articles, and websites.


A well-established corporate communications program allows for the development of a coherent corporate identity, a socially responsible corporate philosophy as well as a genuine and transparent corporate responsibility program. It allows for better brand recognition, employee engagement and customer support.

Tags: corporate communications, corporate communication, Corporate communications, corporate communications, plans strategies