Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Promoting A New Product

Promoting a New Product

You’ve designed a new product and are confident that once the word gets out, it will blow the competition out of the water. You have introduced your product to friends and family, who are now raving about the superiority of your work. You are eager to start selling your product but are unsure of promote it to the general public. Follow the steps below to promote your new product and begin making a profit off of all your hard work.


1. Package your product. Image is everything, especially when it comes to sales. Make sure that your product is packaged in a visually appealing container that clearly demonstrates the need or want that the product will fulfill for the consumer. The package should be simple in its design yet informative in its print to catch the attention of the perspective buyer at a first glance. If you are a novice marketer, research printing and packaging suppliers that can help you get started.

2. Put your product on the Internet. The Internet is a proven marketing tool that allows you to promote your product to a massive amount of potential buyers. The amount of capital available for your Internet marketing effort will ultimately determine what avenue you will take. If money is not an issue, utilize every opportunity that Internet marketing offers; advertise your product on prevalent websites such as online newspapers and popular search engines sites. Hire an expert to create a website where your product will not only be promoted, but can also be purchased. If money is an issue, research web hosting companies that will host your website at a low cost. Utilizing free social networking sites and blogs to promote your product is a great alternative until you are able to fund more advanced Internet marketing tools.

3. Notify the press. Research local reporters who may be interested and put together a press kit that informs them of your product. When sending information to a reporter, remember to include the who, what, where, when, why and how; this is information that they will need to know if they decide to write a news article about your product. Make sure that the reporter also gets a product sample so they can test it for themselves. Don’t be afraid to follow up with a reporter or seek their opinion; no matter their opinion always be polite by thanking them for their time.

4. Create a promotional video. The video will serve as a product demonstration that can be seen over and over again on many different formats including television and the Internet. Be sure to keep the video short and simple to prevent the viewer from becoming bored. Research production companies that can help you create a professional promotional video. If finances are a factor, contact a local college that offers a pertinent degree; you can often find students who can create a quality promotional video at a discounted cost.

5. Utilize trade show opportunities. Trade shows give you the chance to display your product to people who may want to purchase, invest or distribute your product. Be sure to have free samples and informational packets at your booth that people can take with them. The trade show setting is also the perfect opportunity to utilize your promotional video; it will attract potential buyers to your booth and serve as a product presentation for your audience. Contact your local Chamber of Commerce to find out about trade show opportunities in your area.

6. Create and distribute promotional flyers. Flyers should be in tune with your packaging; eye catching yet simple and informative. Talk with local businesses about posting your flyer on a community bulletin board or displaying a stack of flyers in a high traffic area of their business for consumers to read. Do not approach businesses that produce competing products or have a conflict of interest in promoting your product. If you approach a business and are denied permission to display your flyer, thank them for their time and leave your contact information behind in case they change their mind.

7. Spread the word. Word-of-mouth marketing is the most simple but often the most successful tool in promoting a product. Tell friends, family members, co-workers and even strangers about your product at every and any chance you get. The more people who know about your product the more people who might promote it to others; you never know who they might pass the information on to.

8. Stay positive. Promoting a new product can be tedious and challenging; if you believe in your product do not let an unsuccessful start discourage you from continuing your efforts.

Tags: your product, promotional video, about your, about your product, Internet marketing, promote your, promote your product