Thursday, January 8, 2015

Monthly Seasonal Safety Topics

Seasonal safety topics address the relevant safety issues for a particular time of year.

It is important to address seasonal safety topics so people practice safe and healthy habits throughout the year. Many public and community resources, whether a school newsletter or a library forum, choose a relevant safety issue to correspond with each month of the calendar year. Present a safety topic each month to share knowledge and information that allows people, whether young or old, to reduce risks of crime, injury, harm or disease.

Winter: December, January, February

Winter seasonal safety topics address weather hazards such as driving in the snow and holiday safety. For December, explore habits of safe shoppers, such as not walking to a parked car alone at night with packages and looking inside the vehicle before entering. For January, address safe weather driving and explain how drivers safely transport themselves to and from work or school on snow or ice. In February, present information about emergency preparedness at home. Encourage the purchase of emergency supply kits including flashlights, water and non-perishable foods in case of a power outage or weather emergency.

Spring: March, April, May

There are various safety topics to present in the spring. In March, teach about fire safety, which is a critical topic for both the home and workplace. A safety topic in April includes choking, suffocation and strangulation risks for infants and children as well as adults. In May, address general driving safety. Discuss the dangers of distracted driving, whether from cell phone use or other behaviors.

Summer: June, July, August

To initiate the summer, make June's safety topic water safety. Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death for children, so it is important to teach parents and children about safe swimming practices, such as the buddy system. For July, firework safety is a helpful safety topic. In August, prepare for school with information about important immunizations and hand washing practices to reduce the spread of communicable diseases.

Fall: September, October, November

September initiates the beginning of various sports seasons, so address sports safety. Sports safety includes wearing the right equipment, staying hydrated and not over-exerting yourself. In October, which is SIDS Awareness Month, present the issue of sudden infant death and methods of reducing the risk. For November, address travel safety in preparation for Thanksgiving and other holidays, including ways to secure the home when out of town.

Tags: safety topic, safety topics, each month, information about, relevant safety