Monday, October 27, 2014

Locate A Phone Number

A phone book is just one way to look up a number.

Ever looked at the back of a bottle of commercial cleaner and seen an imperative along the lines of contacting a Poison Control Center immediately if you swallow it or get it in your eyes? But then you notice no phone number is listed on the bottle? A quick Internet search will do the trick for this and other numbers most of the time, but only if you perform it the right way.Though phone books may seem like relics, they are often the answer when an Internet search fails, and for local numbers can even be faster.


Finding Phone Numbers on the Internet

1. To look up a business's phone number on the Internet, type the name of the business in quotes in the search field along with the city and state abbreviation.

2. To look up a personal phone number, go to a phone number directory Web site. Type the words "phone number directory" in the search field to find several. Any phone number directory site will prompt you for information, chiefly the name, city and state of the person whose phone number you are seeking.

3. To find a government phone number, it is best to go directly to the site of the agency you want to contact. This can be found via an Internet search. For example, just type "Poison Control Center" into the search field. On the Web site, look for links with phrases such as "Contact Us" or "Find Locations."

Using the Phone Book

4. Find a business number in either the white pages or the yellow pages of your local phone book. Yellow pages sort by business type, alphabetically. White pages sort by name alphabetically. The local business section in the white pages can be found directly after the blue pages.

5. Find a personal number in the white pages, which are organized alphabetically. In some areas, the major city will be listed in the front of the white pages, while smaller towns will have separate sections in the back of the white pages, after the local business section.

6. Find a government number in the blue pages section of the white pages. Blue pages list government numbers in sections: town and city, county, state and federal.

Tags: phone number, white pages, Internet search, number directory, phone number directory, search field