Monday, October 20, 2014

Main Marketing Tools

Business cards can be a main marketing tool for companies to connect with the community.

Companies use marketing tools to increase brand awareness, let customers know about new products or specials and create a general buzz about the business. While trendy marketing ideas come and go, having an understanding of main marketing tools can help you decide which options work best for your company. Marketing tools also can be adjusted according to a campaign's specific needs.


Printed products remain one of the main marketing tools for businesses wanting to get the word out about contact information or special promotions. Examples of printed marketing tools includes business cards, flyers, posters, and store signage. This marketing tool works well to relay larger volumes of information, since customers will be able to review the material at their leisure. Smaller printed products (such as coupons) can be redeemed for discounts or freebie products.

Traditional Online

Email and company website options are powerful, inexpensive marketing tools for businesses. Emails can be used to send company newsletters and online coupons for customers without the expense and hassle of traditional mail. They're also useful for including hyperlinks to outside websites for industry news. Company websites are a marketing powerhouse. Websites contain photos of products, contact information, customer testimonials and interactive features. Both can incorporate entertainment elements, such as online games or jokes. Send emails judiciously, however; customers may become resentful or unsubscribe if inundated with "junk mail" from your company every day.

Social Media

Social media has become a main marketing tool for companies looking to augment traditional online media with less formal marketing via social networking accounts. Because people approach social networking as a way to interact with friends and family, creating marketing campaigns through social networking helps create stronger brand loyalty among customers for preferred businesses. Customers can receive incentives like discounts or coupons for uploading photos to your social-networking account. Market new promotions via status updates, offering incentives to customers who interact by leaving online comments or "liking" your special deal.


A discussion of main marketing tools wouldn't be complete without touching on guarantees. Companies offer guarantees to build customer confidence in products or services because customers know that they can get a refund if dissatisfied. Create simply stated guarantees so that customers don't feel like they're wading through confusing legalese or red tape to get their money back. Standing behind your products and services through guarantees is a marketing technique that promotes a message of quality.

Tags: main marketing, marketing tools, marketing tool, social networking, contact information