Friday, April 10, 2015

Cheap Promo Gifts

Pens are a cheap way to promote your business.

When you're promoting your business, there are cheap ways to get your name out there. You can choose promotional gifts pertinent to your business, or pick gifts that people will enjoy. Think about your target demographic and your budget when choosing the best type of promotional gift.

Office Supplies

Giving away office supplies, like pens, pencils, and erasers, as promotional gifts is good because it is cheap and you can give people extras to give to their friends. Although you can distribute only one expensive gift, like a calculator, per person, you can give several inexpensive gifts, like pens and pencils, per person. The more gifts you give out, the more homes your name will be in--that's a way to get more people to see your company name and information.

Business Specific

Getting promotional gifts that are specific to your business and are cheap is doable, in most cases. For example, if you have a business that sells things other than pens and paper, you can still get something like a pedometer, if you sell running shoes, or stress balls, if you have a massage therapy business.

Novelty Items

Using novelty items as gifts is another option. For example, you can put your name and logo on a balloon. Kids love balloons, so parents will see your business name on the balloons. Also, things like rubber bouncy balls and kids' toys are items parents will see, too, exposing them to your company's name. Other examples of promotional gifts are Frisbees, tattoos, magnets, and laser key chains.

Tags: your business, promotional gifts, your name, company name, gifts that