Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Get An Event To Advertise To Local Vendors

Include local vendors for a more dynamic event.

Advertising an event to local vendors is an ideal way to build community involvement and engage local businesses to participate. In addition, effective advertising bolsters the overall quality of the event when vendors provide goods or services. Whether you are a part of the event or a community organizer, convincing the event managers to advertise to local vendors requires a strategic approach. Ultimately the goal is to showcase the opportunities and potential rewards of advertising to local vendors.


1. Generate a list of vendors in the area where the event is taking place. Separate items in the list by categories based the type of business the vendor does. Example categories include "Dining," "Apparel" and "Books."

2. Brainstorm methods each business can have an impact on the event. Write a "wish list" note next to each vendor detailing the ideal impact the business may have on the event.

3. Survey the businesses on your list to determine owner interest. Provide an overview of the event to the business owner to gauge interest and get feedback. Ask the vendor if he is willing to offer giveaways, in kind support or other products.

4. Create an proposal advertising strategy based on your findings. Include how the event needs to market to vendors such as fliers and posters. Outline the costs involved with your strategy as these details help determine the viability of advertising.

5. Meet with event organizers and present your findings. Include information on the type of businesses, your wish list and business owner feedback to help make the case that the event should be advertised to vendors. Propose your strategy and highlight the added impact for the event. For example, describe how a food vendor can provide a dinner raffle prize for other event goers.

Tags: local vendors, business have, business owner, businesses your, findings Include