Friday, November 27, 2015

Promote Your Invention

Perhaps you have an idea for a product that you know would be a winner. And, you really want to know unleash your invention onto the world. You probably see some of these products on some TV shows and know yours is maybe even better. Having an idea of a great product is fine. However, your invention will remain unknown to the masses if you don't get it off the ground. You need to reach out to potential buyers. You need to come up with a solid marketing strategy to attract the attention of prospective customers and investors. You need to create a marketing plan to market your invention and make money.


1. Protect your invention so no one else can copy your ideas and start profiting from your hard work. To do this, file a patent application. Never start marketing an invention without obtaining a patent. Consider hiring an experienced patent attorney to handle this task for you.

2. Create a prototype. Your invention must have a prototype, which you can use to show manufacturers what the finished product is supposed to be. That way, they can have something to work with which can really speed up the process of production. Also, displaying the prototype to financiers, or even the manufacturers themselves, can get you financial backing if you need it.

3. Research your target market. Do some preliminary market research before you spend a lot of time and money on your invention. Determine who your potential buyers are - the type of buyer that would want to purchase your product.

4. Manufacture your invention. You can manufacture it yourself and determine the methods you will need to reach your audience. These methods you will use will vary according to the type of buyer you are trying to reach. Think about your audience or target market in terms of their gender, their job, age group, or hobbies. Consider also their health and fitness. You can then use various advertising methods such as television, newspaper, magazine, radio, and digital media to reach them.

5. Educate and attract attention. When you are promoting an invention, you're presumably trying to market a completely new product. Because of this, people may not even be aware they need it and they may not have a clue use it. So it is important that, in your promotion methods, you create demand for the invention by educating your audience.

6. Partner with others who will provide the necessary resources in order to promote your product. There are individuals, organizations, or businesses that are interested to join in the creation, marketing and distribution of your product. This type of arrangement is known as a joint venture. This will be a great choice if you're not interested in starting a business or you are not able to do so.

Tags: your invention, your audience, your product, attract attention, methods will, need reach