Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Role Of Business Communication In Marketing

Companies use business communication and marketing in tandem when interacting with consumers. Companies spend copious amounts of time producing products and refining business processes, and failing to communicate or market the company to consumers can greatly decrease the company's chance at success. Larger organizations may have an internal marketing department. A smaller company that does not have internal resources for this process might hire an outside marketing firm.


Communication is the way a company conveys a message from one individual or group to another. This process usually involves a few steps. Companies will create the message, select a medium for delivery and send the message. Individuals receiving the message will interpret the communication, act on it and provide feedback if necessary. These basic steps dominate the communication process.


Companies typically have a few standard mediums in which they deliver marketing messages. Radio spots, television advertisements, billboards, print advertisements and Internet-based messages are the most common communication forms. Companies use each medium to reach as many customers as possible with their company's marketing message. Business owners and managers can also tailor their communication to specific groups using a variety of communication mediums.


Business communication in marketing often takes on one of two forms: direct or indirect. Direct messages come straight from the company in the form of fliers, promotions and in-store signage. Indirect messages come through traditional mediums, such as television, radio and newspapers. While indirect communication methods reach more consumers, they do allow a company's marketing message to become mixed with other marketing messages. Direct marketing is a targeted approach meant to build customer relationships.


Internet technology transforms the way a company uses business communication in marketing. Companies can use websites, social media networks, emails, text messages and other electronic forms to reach consumers in new and different ways. Many consumers carry smart phones or other devices that allow them to receive electronic communication throughout the day. This allows companies to deliver marketing messages using electronic methods and increase their visibility.


Owners and managers should carefully consider the methods and types of business communications and marketing they use. Consumers can quickly become turned off by excessive marketing, which will weaken a company's business communications. This can also become quite expensive and result in higher operating costs the company must pay for regardless of sales generated by the marketing messages.

Tags: marketing messages, business communication, business communications, communication marketing, company marketing, company marketing message