Thursday, August 13, 2015

Define Corporate Communications

Corporate communications gets the company's message out to the appropriate people.

Corporate communications involves getting a company's message out to its stakeholders -- such as employees, investors, customers, the media and public -- in a variety of formats, from its website and social media presence to investor presentations and advertising.


1. Communicating with employees is an important part of corporate communications. Many companies keep employees in the loop through websites, blogs, email and newsletters. The aim of internal communication is for management to clearly and concisely state its goals and objectives so that employees understand where the organization is heading.

2. Communicating with investors is not only important -- it's required by various regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission. Companies typically are required to provide investors with quarterly and annual reports that include detailed financial reports. Providing investors with financial data is a vital part of corporate communications.

3. Communicating with customers is another important facet of corporate communications. Informed customers tend to be more loyal customers. Companies communicate with customers via email, websites and social media, as well as various printed materials.

4. Companies communicate to the public through the media and, increasingly, through an online presence both on their own websites and through social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Media relations is another component of corporate communications. Staff in the corporate communications department field media inquiries and provide access to top management or other appropriate personnel.

Tags: Communicating with, corporate communications, social media, Companies communicate, company message, corporate communications, Corporate communications