Monday, August 3, 2015

How Do You Launch A Campaign

A successful marketing campaign can be pivotal to gaining new business.

Launching a successful marketing campaign for your business takes some planning before the actual launch and some follow-up steps after the campaign has been implemented. For small business owners, you may be the only one involved in the planning and implementing of a marketing campaign, while larger organizations may have multiple people or even multiple departments involved. If you're ready to launch a marketing campaign for your business, put the time in that is necessary to make it as successful as it can be.


1. Choose a focus for the campaign. Pick a specific benefit that the product or service you are promoting offers your customers. If you have multiple products or services, another way to focus your campaign is to choose one of the products or services and then focus on how it is beneficial to the audience.

2. Learn about your target audience. In order to fully understand who you are targeting your marketing campaign to, conduct research on your existing and potential customers. You need to come to understand how the audience members think and feel and what needs they have that your product or service can fulfill. Surveys and demographic research online and offline are two ways you can gather information about your existing customers and the ones that you are trying to attract with your campaign.

3. Create targeted messaging. Messaging is the terminology and word structure you are going to use in your campaign. After finding out who your audience is, you can construct marketing messaging that speaks directly to the audience. For example, if you are targeting consumers, your messaging is going to be different than if you are targeting businesses.

4. Choose how the messages will be delivered to the audience. Typically, some combination of online and offline media is the best way to reach your audience and the best way to reach them in a couple of different ways. You want your messaging to appear in the publications your target audience reads and on the websites they visit.

5. Create the elements of the campaign, such as marketing collateral for the media. For example, if you are sending out email blasts, then the email copy has to be written and the layout designed. If your messaging is going out in the form of a print ad, then copy and graphics must be chosen and the layout needs to be designed.

6. Set goals. Before you launch your campaign, you also need to write down specific and measurable goals for the campaign. If the campaign's goal is to attract new customers, then what percentage or number of new customers are you after? If your goal is to reengage existing customers, what sales amount is your target?

7. Launch the campaign and track the results. Be sure to track the results of each piece of the campaign to determine how successful or unsuccessful each piece is. For example, for emails, track the open and click-through rates and then how many clicks result in sales.

Tags: marketing campaign, your campaign, your messaging, your target, about your, best reach