Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pull & Push Control Techniques

Advertising is one method of pull marketing.

Push-pull strategies capitalize on the interests of those involved to maximize company, product or system exposure. In other words, use push and pull strategies in sync to help a system work at its potential or expose a product to the widest market possible. These techniques are widely used in such widely varying enterprises as business marketing and agricultural pest management.

Push Marketing

Push marketing strategy is all about taking the product directly to the customer to ensure brand and company name awareness at the point of sale. Trade-show promotion, for example, is a popular push marketing technique because the product is demonstrated directly to the customer. Other push marketing techniques include showroom sales, door-to-door sales, packaging design that encourages a purchase, and point-of-sale brand and company name advertising. The purpose of push marketing is to entice customers and retailers to demand a supply of the product.

Pull Marketing

Pull marketing strategies are all about getting the customers to actively seek out the product and purchase it from a supplied retailer. Mass advertising through television commercials, billboard ads and Internet ads, for example, is a major technique used in pull marketing. Other pull marketing strategies include word-of-mouth referrals, sales discounts and promotions and customer-relationship management. The purpose of pull marketing strategies is to get customers to want a product so much they're willing to find it on their own.

Push Pest Control

Good pest management is integral to the success of any agriculture. Typically, pest management involves the use of pesticides and harmful toxic chemicals to deter pests. Push pest control involves using natural stimulants to deter, or push, pests away from the product. Natural hormonal stimulants, such as anti-aggression pheromones and alarm pheromones specific to the pest species, are directly applied to the agricultural product. The pheromones cause a hormonal response in the insect that makes it turn away. Other push pest-control techniques involve the use of visual distractions, non-host volatiles and ovi-position deterrents.

Pull Pest Control

Pull pest control involves attracting pests away from the agricultural product in away that entices them to seek an alternative. Natural hormonal stimulants, opposite to hormonal stimulants used in push pest control, such as sex pheromones and aggression pheromones, are directly applied to a nearby area where the pests are encouraged to gather. These stimulants keep the pest away from the agricultural product through attraction. Other pull pest management strategies include visual stimulants, host volatiles, gustatory stimulants and ovi-position stimulants.

Tags: pest management, pull marketing, agricultural product, away from, hormonal stimulants, marketing strategies