Friday, September 11, 2015

Manufacturing Versus Marketing In The Fashion Industry

Launching a fashion brand generally entails manufacturing and marketing to ensure a successful beginning. Designers need to have these two key components prior to their start-up. The manufacturing side of their business will ensure buyers that facilities are in place to produce and the marketing spectrum will promote the brand, items and begin the process of logo recognition.

Manufacturing: Definition

Manufacturing entails the making and high-quantity production of garments. Designer firms become manufacturers by either producing the garments in their own facility or contracting the garments with an outside factory.

Manufacturing: Production

Designers must submit production packages at the point of contracting the factory. A key term that must be established prior to placing quantity is cost. The designer must have their items' cost prior to this meeting including fabric, trim, shipping and profit. This will give you a clear idea of how much can be spent to produce the garment. Large quantity orders reduce the individual garment's overall cost during production.

Manufacturing: Delivery Schedules

Once the production cost is established, delivery must be determined. This step is crucial to the success of the designer and the sales force. Goods that are not delivered in a timely manner usually result in canceled retail orders as well as the loss of the buyer and customer.

Marketing: Definition

One of the key elements to attracting new business is the marketing strategy implemented by the manufacturing firm. This vital component of business is used to develop and design strategies to let retailers, wholesalers and consumers know about your product and that you are in business. Manufacturers will hire an outside marketing fashion consultant or firm to develop targeted campaigns to reach specific retail buyers and fashion editors. This outside service is quite costly and will depend on the manufacturer's budget. Often small business manufacturers will team with their sales force to create their own in-house marketing strategies.

Marketing: Promotion

Promotion and marketing generally work in sync. Marketing strategies are designed and developed prior to the launching of a collection and can include press releases, postcards, announcements, and ads. The use of press releases to media such as newspaper, magazines and TV as well as product information to editors at specific magazines are important ingredients to the marketing campaign.

Marketing: Launching the Product

New designers often have a launch party at a trendy spot to welcome new buyers and industry-related guests. The marketing department will offer a "grab bag," which is a promotional bag filled with free company products, swatches or special brochures and information. Often designers will create a consumer giveaway, which is a free item to create consumer interest and introduce the company logo. Designers can opt to hire a public relations firm to ensure invitations to specific guests.

Tags: create consumer, press releases, sales force