Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Promote The Stewardship Of Time In The Church

Many churches promote the idea of tithing one's time, talents, and treasure.

Tithing in the Christian church involves giving of time, talents, and treasure. While a collection plate can be passed during each service to solicit the tithing of treasure, it is not always as simple to encourage the giving of time and talent. Once people are made aware of the need to donate their time, the church can do much to provide volunteer opportunities and to communicate them. They can also serve as a clearinghouse that identifies volunteer needs in the wider community.


Stewardship of Time

1. For Christians, the most persuasive means of encouraging voluntarism can be found in scripture.

Promote the importance of donating time. Consider using Philippians 2:1-4 as an exhortation to use one's time in service to others. Talk about how true evangelism comes from service. Discuss the philosophy of servant-leadership as demonstrated by Jesus in the gospels.

2. The way in which a person spends time can demonstrate her priorities.

Discuss that stewardship involves more than just donating time. It also involves making good use of one's time and engaging in activities that contribute to a better life for the individual, the church and the community.

3. Define stewardship. The word comes from the concept of servants who would care for a household. These servants were called stewards. It has now evolved to mean the careful management of something that is given to another to care for, according to Merriam Webster. In the context of a church, it is considered that time is a gift from God that should be treated with responsible stewardship.

Stewardship of Time Opportunities

4. Doing good deeds for one's neighbor can be a responsible stewardship of time.

Give examples of how Christians can be good stewards of time. This can include taking care of one's family, home, neighbors and community. It can also include time donated to the church or spent in prayer, Bible study and fellowship.

5. Create a list of volunteer opportunities. Make the list as specific as possible. Explain what is needed from a volunteer, how long it will take and what skills the volunteer will need. Keep the list updated and make it accessible by putting it online or putting it in a location that is easy to find.

6. Encourage church members to keep a record of the time that they donate to others. Sometimes a log of time can help a person be more aware of how he is using his time. It might also help her identify times where she could fit in additional activities that would help the church and the community.

Tags: Stewardship Time, activities that, church community, comes from, donating time, giving time