Friday, October 16, 2015

Marketing Representative Duties

A marketing representative is a person at a business who takes care of tasks related to getting the word out about the company or the company's products and services. His ultimate goal is generating sales for the business. This person makes about $60,000 per year on average, according to CB Salary.

Target Markets

A marketing representative must perform is to do thorough research on the target markets for each of the company's products or services, then develop a solid marketing plan based on this information. This worker must analyze demographics data and information on the target markets of similar products from competitors. The final marketing plan will show the company position the product to achieve optimal sales.


The marketing representative helps the company decide on promotional and advertising campaigns for products and services. He may work closely with a separate advertising, design or production department (or an outsourced firm) to advertise the business and its products to the target market identified. He helps craft the marketing message for a product based on his research. In some cases, the marketing representative also is responsible for creating and placing ads for the company without the assistance of a separate advertising department. If the firm sells to other businesses, the marketing representative helps develop sales proposals and marketing materials for presentation in client meetings.

Sales Activity and Forecasts

A marketing representative's also compiles and monitors reports on the company's sales to decide whether the marketing plan is working. He also must help to make forecasts for the company based on historical data and the results of any change in the company's marketing initiative.


In many cases, the marketing representative must deliver regular reports to the higher-ups during sales meetings. The reports cover marketing initiatives, sales figures and forecasts and opportunities for improvement.

Tags: marketing representative, marketing plan, products services, cases marketing, cases marketing representative