Thursday, October 8, 2015

Create A Simple Viral Marketing Campaign

Viral marketing is an advertising strategy in which a marketer or company uses its audience to spread awareness of its products or services without a direct sales message. The strategy involves creating media that compels readers or viewers to share it with others, who then share it with other people in their social or business circles. Creating a simple viral marketing campaign can quickly build awareness of your company's products or services at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing.


1. Determine the target market for your viral campaign. The age bracket, gender, interests and socioeconomic status of your target market will influence the content of your viral media.

2. Create a video, blog post or website page focusing on entertainment, rather than sales. Determine what your target market finds entertaining and sufficiently compelling to share.

3. Create value for your audience through your viral media. Value may be as simple as giving your audience a mental break from everyday tasks by entertaining it; however, you can also add value by creating content that inspires, motivates or bolsters self esteem. Evaluate what your target audience needs to feel good, and provide it in your media.

4. Distribute your media through multiple channels, such as social networks, YouTube, your company website and blog and your email list.

5. Provide tools that make it easy for viewers or readers to share your media with friends, family members and co-workers. Place links to Facebook and Hulu, as well as social bookmarking sites such as Digg and Reddit, so your content can spread quickly online.

Tags: target market, your media, your target, your viral, products services, share with, viral media