Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Digital Video Effects

Digital video effects are available in most video editing software.

Digital video effects are effects that help transition one video or scene to another. They are used to ease the flow of the video rather than using a traditional hard cut. Digital video effects help create a more seamless movie-watching experience. Digital video effects include, but are not limited to, fades or dissolves, wipes or morphing.

Fade or Dissolve

A fade or dissolve occurs between two videos when the pixels of the first video are slowly replaced with pixels from the second video, resulting in a slow transition from one video to the next. Another way of looking at fades is in terms of opacity. The opacity from the first video goes from 100 percent to 0 percent, while the second video goes from 0 to 100 percent, resulting in both videos having 50 percent opacity during the middle of the transition. Most fades take less than five seconds but technically they can be extended for several minutes. However, audiences may get bored with such a long fade.


Wipes are the transition from one video to another using an edge, object or shape. For example, the campy "Star Wipe" occurs when a small star forms in the center of the first video. The star expands, getting larger with the second video inside the borders of the star's edges until the star becomes larger than the screen and all that remains is the second video. A more traditional wipe occurs when the first video is erased from the screen by a line going (usually) left to right that reveals the second video underneath the first. This was famously used by George Lucas in his film "Star Wars."


Morphing is a relatively new digital video effect that was first used in the late 1980s and requires more sophisticated animation techniques. Morphing occurs when one image or video morphs or blends into a second one. For example, morphing occurs when the face of one person slowly turns into the face of another. Morphing transitions occur when one video slowly turns into another, creating an extremely smooth transition between scenes. Morphing requires the use of animators to blend the two scenes together and is not something most video editors can do at home with standard video editing software.

Tags: second video, Digital video effects, first video, occurs when, video effects