Monday, July 20, 2015

Environmental Business Advice

Eco-friendly businesses follow the three green Rs.

Living green is on the minds of many modern consumers, so business suitability is rapidly becoming a necessity. Environmentally-friendly businesses can be built from the idea phase on, and established companies can take steps to make the company and products greener. Local government and environmental groups often have plans and tips to aid business who try to be more environmentally responsible.

Follow Environmental Laws

Environmental regulations vary from state to state, in some areas certain businesses may need to obtain an environmental permit and in other areas it might not need one. When opening or modifying a business it's best to contact your local administration to learn about local environmental laws and to see if environmental permits are needed. As an example, pesticide use needs to be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency's, EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs.

Build and Buy Green

Environmentally-friendly business buildings are designed and built with energy efficiency in mind. The goal of green building is to incorporate the optimization of natural resources with modern comfort. Energy-efficient building practices maximizes a minimum amount of natural resources while reducing the pollution and releases of greenhouses gases inherent in the construction process. The creation of environmentally-friendly products follows the same guidelines as energy-efficient building practices. In addition, environmentally-friendly products are often made from recycled and nontoxic materials. Environmentally-friendly products may also be bio-based, energy efficient, recyclable and locally produced.

Stick with the Three Rs

Reduce, reuses and recycle. Not only are the "Three Rs" good for the environment, they're also good for business because many companies save money be reducing waste. Consider that waste costs business twice, once when the product is bought and once when it's thrown away. Businesses can reuse by buying recycled products, reduce by eliminating unnecessary product packaging and recycle by participating in local reclamation projects. Offices in particular can follow the three Rs with responsible use of paper products.

Refrain from Polluting

Even the smallest and simplest businesses produce some measure of waste. Most pollution can be curbed by following the three Rs. Some businesses produce toxic or hazardous waste byproducts that need special handling and specific care to keep from polluting. Local EPA offices or other organizations can help companies with their pollution compliance.

Green Marketing Advice

Adding the words "green" or "environmentally friendly" to products and services has potential to increase a businesses profit. Marketing managers should ensure that any green claims are true and not just arbitrary marketing labels. Several different organizations exist that certify that companies and products are environmentally sound.'s "Green Certification and Ecolabeling" page has a list of both domestic and international green certifiers and ecolabers.

Tags: building practices, businesses produce, follow three, natural resources, once when