Monday, June 1, 2015

Become A Marketing Director

A marketing director is ultimately in charge of all marketing functions for a business and often has other marketing managers and assistants to supervise. Follow the steps to learn become a marketing director.


1. Have a Bachelor's or Master's degree in marketing or a related field such as business or communication.

2. Work in the marketing or public relations field as an assistant or manager for about five years to gain the experience and knowledge necessary to become a marketing director. Start at the bottom and work your way to the top of the career field.

3. Be passionate about the marketing field and possess the required skills. These include computer and Microsoft Office knowledge, strong communication and project management skills and an understanding of the marketing process. An ability to work long, stressful hours is also a must.

4. Possess an ability to develop a long term marketing plan as well as a current short term plan. Math and budgeting skills are key for a marketing director, who must be able to think along lines of business, promotional and art directions.

5. Know public relations and advertising basics needed to develop a media campaign. Be able to supervise and delegate tasks to marketing or public relations assistants and managers as required.

6. Work with business partners and executives to communicate progress, proposals and objectives. Create a database with clients and prospective clients' information, a mailing list and financial reports.

7. Apply within your company for a promotion or send an application with resume and cover letter as well as any required project samples, making sure to list your qualifications and work experience to other companies you wish to work for.

Tags: marketing director, public relations, become marketing, marketing public, marketing public relations