Thursday, June 25, 2015

Promote Your Band Free Online

Promote Your Band Free

Get your band out of the garage and increase your fan base with these ways to promote your band free online.


1. Look for web sites where you can find free band promotion tools. Do an online search using phrases such as "free band promotion". Promote your band free by uploading your music, posting your band's profile and photos, advertising your concert dates and getting the opportunity to have your music heard by thousands of people across the globe.

2. Use web sites that let listeners rate and vote on your music, allowing you to move up in the ranks and gain new fans and more exposure. One example is, who even has monthly contests where your band could win $5,000.

3. Take advantage of other sites such as message boards, forums, social networking sites and blogging outlets where you can reach fans and associate with other music artists.

4. Look for other free outlets for your advertising needs. For example, you can use to make flyers to promote your band free. Advertise your band's concerts, podcasts, new music CDs or events. You can create, print, post and email your band flyers.

See the resources section below for some examples of web sites that offer ways to promote your band free.

Tags: your band, your band free, your music, band free, band promotion, free band, free band promotion