Friday, June 5, 2015

Ways To Pay Medical Bills

Medical bills can consume a large amount of your income, particularly if you were treated for a serious medical condition. The uninsured are not alone when it comes to medical debt, as health insurance only covers a certain percentage of costs health care providers charge. The best way to pay for medical bills is in a manner that leaves you with the least amount of debt.


Using cash, a debit card or writing a check is the best way to pay for medical bills, as this will prevent you from accumulating medical debt. In some instances, if the medical provider's company allows you to pay for your bill online, they may offer a discount if you were billed a certain amount and you make the payment in full.

Credit Cards

Many medical providers allow you to use a credit card to pay for medical bills. While using a credit card is an option to make medical payments, it should be a last resort because of the high interest rate you may get charged. If your medical bill is more than you can afford, you can set up a payment plan through the medical provider, who will generally charge you a low interest rate or no interest on the loan.

Uninsured Patient Discounts

If you do not have health insurance and are not able to go to a community health clinic for your medical needs because you need to meet with a specialist, contact the medical specialist's billing office. Some medical providers offer discounted rates based on household income to those who do not have health insurance. It is best to look into this option before your appointment with a doctor, if possible, so you can fill out the necessary paperwork and provide proof of income. However, you can also request financial assistance once you receive the bill.

Patient Assistance Programs

If you have medical bills related to a specific condition, a disease-specific organization may be able to provide you with co-pay assistance. These types of programs are generally income-based, and health insurance requirements vary by organization. Examples of conditions for which you may be able to access assistance include cancer, cytomegalovirus contraction, Hodgkin's lymphoma and Nephrotic Syndrome. Staff in medical offices and medical case managers can give you more information about disease-specific patient assistance programs.

Tags: health insurance, best medical, best medical bills, credit card, have health, have health insurance, interest rate