Friday, June 26, 2015

What Is Needed To Start A Promotion Company

Without promotions the public wouldn't know about a company's offerings -- at least not on a wide scale. If you plan to start your own promotion company ensure that you have everything in order. When hiring a promotions company, clients like to see that the operation is well established and equipped for releasing full-scale promotional campaigns.

What is a Promotions Company

A promotion company is an operation that helps get the word out about its client's products or services -- new releases in particular. This type of company helps companies develop advertising campaigns, design ads and organize promotional events, as well as create promotional products. It is similar to a public relations firm and sometimes also does PR work for the client. A busy company that does not have an in-house marketing department can benefit from outsourcing this work.

Training and Experience

A company will likely want to see proof of your training and experience on the subject of promotions before hiring you to take on a campaign. So you should have a background in marketing, advertising or sales -- preferably all three. That may include a formal degree or a significant number of years of experience working in promotions.

Design Team

You also need a full-scale design team to run a promotions company. Everything from online promotions to flier promotions on the street require professional, well-designed imagery. At a minimum, you should have a web designer and a print layout artist on board at the company. These professionals must have training and experience in developing client concepts.


To properly promote other businesses you must also have connections to promotional and advertising outlets who will distribute the message for your clients. That includes advertising agencies who can help you on a contract basis with developing client campaigns, magazines, newspapers and other forms of media. You should also have experience working with online advertising outlets and printing companies who you may have to use frequently. It helps to have an established list of providers who can help you accomplish your promotional goals.

Tags: advertising outlets, also have, developing client, experience working, should have, training experience