Friday, December 4, 2015

Why Is Internet Filtering Important

Internet filtering helps block inappropriate websites.

Whether at home, work or school, you may want to block Internet access to certain types of websites or specific sites, in particular. There can be many benefits to using this type of software, including added productivity, cooperation and keeping your children from visiting websites with dangerous or inappropriate material. There are a few different methods you can use to achieve this Internet filtering.


Productivity can be improved with the use of Internet filtering software. Employees or students may be tempted to navigate to sites that could lead to a distraction, causing them to require more time to complete their assigned tasks. Distractions such as email, social networking and general surfing can add hours of unproductive computer use to a schedule when the unproductive activity is left unchecked.

Inappropriate Content

If you have children or work at a school, it may be important to you to ensure that the children are only visiting age appropriate sites. One of the biggest advantages of Internet filtering software is the ability to block websites you don't want the little ones to see. Blocking pornography and websites featuring adult content can ensure your children a safer browsing experience. Filtering software often comes with automatic filters that attempt to block out such sites.


Internet filtering software can also make the Internet a safer place for young people. It is becoming increasingly important to protect your children from child predators on the Internet. Predators often frequent social networks and chat rooms, which can be blocked by Internet filtering software. Plus, you can enter specific websites to block if there's no option to block these sites in a group.


Computer resources such as RAM, Internet bandwidth and storage space may be an issue at home, school or work. If this is the case, you can set your Internet filtering software to block downloading through peer to peer networks and websites that require a lot of bandwidth. According to the website 8e6, websites featuring music, video or other interactive features may cause slow-down over the network.


According to a report on the CBS News website, Internet filters can often cause problems by blocking sites they shouldn't be blocking. The problem is, according to CBS, that many filtering programs see issues in "black and white," meaning they assume a site is either good or bad. The filters don't take into account sites that may be discussing topics that are appropriate but, with different context and purpose, could be inappropriate. Medical sites are often the victim of "over-filtering," and this problem can actually hinder productivity more than help it.

Tags: Internet filtering, Internet filtering software, filtering software, your children, children from