Thursday, March 19, 2015

Increase The Patient List For A Dental Practice

Dentists diagnose oral diseases, treat tooth decay and perform some types of oral surgeries.

Operating a dental practice takes a remarkable amount of hard work and commitment. One of the most important tasks a dental practice has is increasing patient volume to maintain a thriving business. Because most people see their dentist only a couple of times a year, attracting new patients can be challenging. Dental practices must advertise and market their services just like any other business to continually make a profit. Follow these effective methods to increase the patient list for your dental practice and attract future patients.


1. Build stronger relationships with your patients. According to the American Dental Association, dentists who focus on their patients and establish strong relationships increase their revenues, even during financially hard times. Reach out to your patients and make an effort to remember the patient's personal information and family members' names to show that you value their business and see them as an important part of your practice.

2. Advertise in local magazines and newspapers to attract new patients. List any specialty certifications you have that may appeal to new clients, such as pediatric dentistry, orthodontia services and teeth whitening treatments. Speak to the editor of a newspaper or magazine about doing a feature article on your business to highlight the services you offer to the community.

3. Publicize background information about the technical expertise your staff offers. A dentist's technical skills are of the utmost importance to a patient, but evaluating a dentist's skills is not always easy, especially for someone who is not a dental professional. Provide evidence of your technical skills by posting professional dentistry memberships, such as the American Dental Association or a state dental organization on a wall in the lobby.

4. Offer free services for new and existing patients to show your appreciation for their business. Provide free services in coordination with months that recognize certain diseases and conditions. For example, offer life-saving oral cancer screenings during Oral Cancer Awareness Month to show that your dental practice supports early screening to save lives.

5. Provide alternative treatments for individuals who have anxiety and fear when going to the dentist. Medical News Today reports that up to 25 percent of American adults fear dental procedures enough to keep them from seeking treatment. Alternative solutions for concerned and fearful patients include oral sedation dentistry, which involves administering an oral medication to induce a relaxed state, and intravenous sedation dentistry for patients with serious dental phobias who need to be in a state of deep sleep to have dental procedures performed.

6. Offer free giveaways with your dental practice information printed on the item. Note pads, ink pens and refrigerator magnets are just a few of the most popular ways to advertise your dental practice so your patients always have an easy-access item with your information on it. Reward current patients who refer new patients to your practice with a special gift to show your appreciation for their word-of-mouth recommendation.

Tags: dental practice, your dental, your dental practice, with your, your patients