Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Legitimate Companies That Hire At Home Workers

Legitimate companies hire at-home workers to perform daily operations.

Working from home is not a pie-in-the-sky dream thought up by scam artists to part people from their hard earned money. Real opportunities exist for people to stay home and still provide an income for their families. From licensed professionals to someone fresh out of high school, there is something for everyone. Legitimate companies that hire at-home workers offer real jobs, with a weekly or bimonthly paycheck. Best of all, there are no fees charged to work.

Professional License Holders

Teachers, nurses and other licensed workers can work at home through companies like FoneMed, KPoncall, and Kaplan University. Nurses answer calls from patients and direct them in the next step of their care. Teachers and licensed educators work from home as academic advisors in virtual classrooms or one-on-one tutoring programs. Some companies require onsite training before approving the worker for a telecommuting position. Other companies hire directly for home-based employment.


Three companies that hire at-home workers are LiveOps, Alpine Access and Working Solutions. You must submit an application and wait for the company to review your submission before being hired. Job duties include answering inbound calls from customers and taking orders for company clients. Other duties may include scheduling appointments for sales representatives. A strong background in telemarketing is helpful, but the companies also provide training to new employees and independent contractors.

Service Providers

If you have secretarial skills, consider working as a virtual assistant with companies such as Your duties include setting appointments, screening business calls and answering emails for clients. A quiet home office is required, as well as high-speed Internet and a noise-canceling headset. Other businesses require feedback about their brick-and-mortar businesses and hire mystery shoppers to make purchases and record certain aspects of the transaction. For instance, if the company requests a report about their restaurant, you generally receive compensation for a meal and also payment for the activity. Your job is to record the ambiance, service, cleanliness and other things. Companies hiring mystery shoppers include iMyst and Ann Michaels and Associates. Volition Mystery Shoppers provides a free list of companies that hire mystery shoppers.

Business Opportunities

You may prefer owning your own business without the hassles of finding suppliers or setting up a business plan. Nationwide companies hire home workers to act as sales representatives to market their products. Avon is a familiar name but there are hundreds of companies offering the same type of home business opportunity. Whether you like scrapbooking, candles or jewelry, there is a company available. There are cosmetic companies, food and wine companies and toy companies that provide catalogs, order forms and kits to start your own work-at-home business. provides a complete list of direct sales companies.

Tags: companies that, at-home workers, companies hire, companies that hire, duties include, hire at-home, hire at-home workers