Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Promotional Calendar Ideas

Promotional calendars allow you to advertise your product or service throughout the year.

Promotional giveaways get your company name, logo and contact information in front of clients--ensuring they'll remember you the next time they need your product or service. Calendars can be particularly effective as giveaways, as clients can display them year-round. Create a visually appealing calendar with your company's information included, and you'll gain exposure not only with the client who puts up the calendar, but also with any potential clients who visit her.

Coupon Calendar

A coupon calendar would work well for a retail store. Each month's picture could feature a favorite seasonal product. Attach a coupon for each month to encourage foot traffic in your store.

Safety Tips Calendar

The Propane Council of Texas created a promotional calendar using both propane safety tips and recipes. With general safety reminders, safe grilling tips and grilling recipes for propane tank users, the calendar reinforces the council's mission of consumer safety and education as well as safe grilling and cooking. This concept would work well for companies whose product or service has a range of safe uses.

Good Works Calendar

If you are promoting a charity, a calendar with examples of the organization's charitable works will remind people to give to that charity. The key to making a calendar like this is to use positive images that illustrate how the charity is meeting specific needs.

Employee-of-the-Month Calendar

Promotional products company Promotional Pro suggests creating a calendar for and about a special client. For this calendar, you can feature the client's employees of the month from the previous year. Along with photos and brief biographies of the employees, you can dedicate a small section of each page to your own company to remind the client of your products or services.

Friendly Faces Calendar

Companies that offer services, such as caterers, animal groomers or messenger services, could make a friendly faces calendar, showcasing photos of employees at work. The calendar will remind clients of your services while also helping to familiarize them with some of your employees.

Destinations Calendar

A travel agency might create a calendar suggesting destinations for each month. Certain trips work better in certain times of the year, so this calendar would be helpful to the client in considering what vacation to take.

Houses Calendar

A real estate agency might sell many different types of houses within the course of a year. A calendar of houses with corresponding descriptions could showcase some of the most popular styles. This calendar keeps new houses on prospects' minds and gives them specific pictures to associate with those thoughts.

Tags: product service, your company, agency might, calendar with, calendar would, each month, safe grilling