Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reference A Package Insert

One of the simplest ways to avoid plagiarism is to reference everything. Whether the information is taken from a movie, newspaper, encyclopedia or package insert, there is a standard way to reference it. As you write your paper or article, let the reader know he can trust the information by including in-text citations. These references should be short and can be accomplished by using words like "according to" before listing the source. At the end of the paper, include a paragraph or page which lists all of the references you used, including package inserts.


Reference Page

1. Type the name of the product that includes the package insert. For example, if you are referencing medication, type the brand name of the antibiotic or cream.

2. Press the space bar and type an opening bracket. Type the words "package insert" and type a closing bracket. It should look like: [package insert].

3. Type the city and state where the package insert was made. Separate the city from the abbreviated state with a comma.

4. Type the name of the company which makes the product, followed by a semicolon, the year the insert was made and a period. According to the Quick Reference Citation Format for the AMA Manual of Style, package inserts should look like: "Lamasil [package insert]. East Hanover, NJ: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corp; 1993."

Tags: package insert, insert made, look like, package inserts, should look, should look like